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Changes to Paypal Legal Agreements 2020

2 min read

PayPal, one of the most popular electronic payment systems in the world, has made some changes to its legal agreements in 2020. These changes are designed to improve user experience and ensure greater transparency in the way PayPal handles customer data. Here are some of the key changes you need to know about:

1. Changes to User Agreement

PayPal`s User Agreement has undergone a significant overhaul in 2020. The new agreement outlines the responsibilities of both users and PayPal, as well as the company`s policies on refunds, cancellations, and disputes. Some of the notable changes include:

— The introduction of a new section called «PayPal Buyer Protection,» which explains how customers can file claims for issues such as receiving items that don`t match their description or not receiving an item at all.

— A clause that requires users to keep their account information accurate and up-to-date. Failure to do so may result in suspension or termination of the account.

— The removal of the «PayPal Here» section, which was focused on the company`s mobile payment solution.

2. Changes to Privacy Policy

PayPal has also updated its privacy policy to provide more clarity on how it collects, uses, and stores customer data. The new policy includes the following changes:

— A broader definition of «Personal Data» to cover a wider range of customer information, including device information, IP addresses, and data from social media platforms.

— Details on how PayPal uses customer data to personalize their experience on the platform, such as showing them relevant ads or recommending products and services.

— An explanation of how PayPal uses cookies and similar technologies to collect information about customer behavior and preferences.

3. Changes to Acceptable Use Policy

PayPal`s Acceptable Use Policy has been revised to include changes related to restricted activities and prohibited items. Here are some of the key changes:

— New restrictions on certain types of transactions, such as those involving counterfeit goods, drugs, and drug paraphernalia.

— Clarification on how PayPal handles transactions related to gambling and sweepstakes.

— The removal of a clause that allowed users to buy or sell digital currencies or related products on PayPal.


Overall, the changes to PayPal`s legal agreements in 2020 are aimed at providing greater clarity and transparency to users. By outlining its policies and responsibilities in more detail, PayPal is hoping to ensure a safer and more reliable online payment experience for everyone. As a user, it`s important to familiarize yourself with these changes to ensure you`re up-to-date on the company`s policies and practices.

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